Tiny Tuesday : : Rattlesnake Grass...

…with an uninvited visitor.

I have always liked rattlesnake grass because it is so aptly named. I fully expect them to rattle like the ones on an actual snake, but they just dry quietly and gracefully to a beautiful toast color. These stalks have been on the kitchen windowsill, along with some wilting tarragon from the garden, a rock, a collection of little bobble head animals from Khazakstan and a wind up monkey with cymbals. Any one of these items, except perhaps the rock, would have qualified as tiny, but I decided to go with the grass.

I got out my Arches paper which makes a nice background, set down the stalks of grass on it and out popped the spider. Being a good blipper, I took its picture as it was making its escape, but before I could capture it, it had leapt into the air and vanished. I always suspected that there was such a thing as a jumping spider, and there has been plenty of evidence that there is also a vanishing spider.  No wonder the house is full of spiderwebs….

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