Still Growing...
I feel like the raised strip above our driveway has become a repository of really strange looking plants. They are all doomed. The agave spike is now at least twenty feet tall and beginning to put our small side branches, which will produce baby agave plants or 'flowers'. Eventually it will become so heavy that it will topple, scattering the baby plants everywhere. Then the whole plant will die. There are a number of these blue agaves, or 'Century Plants' in the area which are blooming....a sort of preview of what will happen to ours, which is one of the biggest ones I've ever seen.
The palm trees, there are three of them, are unloved by me and tolerated by OilMan just because he doesn't want to deal with the fact that they are planted above the septic tank...who would do that? They, like everything else around here, have grown a lot in this year of rain and the only green part is now well above the house, leaving nothing but an unattractive trunk outside the window.They will have to come out as soon as we manage to get hold of Jerry, the tree man, who seems to have gone AWOL. OilMan isn't overly motivated to reach him since he's hasn't sent a bill yet....
As far as the circus that is our current government is concerned, I, like everyone else, can only say, "You couldn't make this stuff up...." I heard two quotes on National Public Radio today which sum it up as well as anything. The airwaves are a cacophony of talking heads clamoring to be the first to have a theory of what Trump thinks he's doing, so I can't remember who said either of these things, but they're as good as anything. I'm paraphrasing here...
Donald Trump invites people to go out on a limb for him and when they do, he saws it off....
His response to the chaos and scandal he just created is to create a bigger scandal so that everyone forgets about the current one.
Machievellian or just plain ignorant? Does he even care? Nobody knows....
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