A time for everything

By turnx3


After an uplifting morning at church, the three of us went out for lunch to the European Cafe in Montgomery. We enjoy their gyros, and we hadn't had one in a while. We usually try and get to the annual Greek Festival put on by the Greek Orthodox Church in Finneytown, but unfortunately this year we were in England at the time, so we'd missed our "fix" of Greek food! It was a very pretty day at that point and they have outdoor seating, so we enjoyed our lunch in the sunshine. As we were waiting for our food, I noticed the lovely clear reflections in the window. In the afternoon, I put a few things together for an evening picnic and Roger and Laura ran a couple of errands, then we managed to fit in a walk around the lake at Sharon Woods. In the early evening we picked up one of Laura's friends and took our picnic downtown to the newly renovated Washington Park across from Music Hall, for a performance of Shakespeare's The Tempest by the Cincinnati Shakespeare Company. The clouds had increased as the afternoon had progressed, and as we were driving down some of the clouds looked quite ominous. However, it stayed dry, though it did cool off quite a bit, and we were glad of our sweatshirts.

One year ago: Time for a snooze

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