Pitti pictures

All is more or less well. l fill will in the gaps tomoz, as they say.

Here I am at the Palazzo Pitti gadding around.  A king-size palace to the frighten the bejezus out of anyone with its domineering ways and ornate decoration.

And at the end in a room of huge 17th century tapestries this. I mean, if you're going to choose a backdrop against which to disport yourself, this is as good as it gets. The guardians did tut and mutter that, 'It was a museum after all' .

It was also charming and funny. And one in the eye for art narratives that start and stop in the West.  I had to laugh. 

I've thrown in a couple of extras - one is a compilation of just one of the many ceiling paintings. The other is part of a Perugino painting.

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