That Friday feeling

Envelopes finished and first batch to deliverers.
After last night i knew my heart wasnt in it today - so made plans to visit a sick friend and do the C&C&C thing - but in the end he wasnt up to visitors. It did however let me pick up a hitchhiking climber I immediately knew from his large Akita - quite who P thought would be stopping for him amused me lots. Suki is a formidable beast - at the crag she will guard stuff all day with her huge presence and deep growl -  unless you know the password - as soon as you say her name she rolls over and asks for a tummy rub. Ive never seen anyone who didnt know her name be daft enough to get close....

Then home and into the garden - whilst its still (& I guess always will be) a work in progress I've now broken the back of the 4 main tasks i set myself this year - just some cosmetic tidying and when we find the plants we want a little more planting out to do - shattered, but feeling pleased and.....mentally refreshed :)

A total blip cheat as I really couldnt decide. A fabbo view of the Howgills, our local bluebells just starting, and a mystery plant that my excavation works has revealed!

Philosophy Friday
It's the difference between an ordeal and an adventure.

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