Sing me a song

Time spent organising & planning is usually time spent well - that is once the staring out the window thinking deep thoughts stage is over. And so it proved today.
We started with an impromptu brunch with my brother and his wife as they passed by - Westmorland (Tebay) Services may seem an odd choice, but its a fabulous place. By 14.00 hrs Team IttH were out delivering the dreaded blues. I even managed to canvass a few people as i went. I can confidently say Ive worked far far harder at this than the complacent Tory (not my opinion, Ive yet to meet a doorstep he's called upon) - but 20 years at the pulpit, near universal name recognition and taking over the largest majority on the Council means I'm still the rank outsider. By 18.00 Orton, Raisebeck, Kelleth were all done - and about a quarter of Kirkby Stephen. Im secretly hoping that by Monday evening we'll be mostly there and I can spend Tuesday and Wednesday speaking to wavering voters.
Leaving Kirkby Stephen I thought Id finally pull over and wander the 100m up the path through Jubilee woods. It was more than a little underwhelming, but research suggests I should visit again in a month or so as its a potential orchid haven. Sat in the spectacular but somewhat pointless (no view) summerhouse the birdsong was enthralling - eventually i spotted this chap in the canopy. On a grey day he added a much needed focal point.

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