A Bob Or Two

My Dear Fellow,

These are the new £1 coins, alongside the old one. I am an old enough effer to remember the introduction of the original £1 coin. Also the introduction of the 20p piece, the shrinking of the 5p and the 10p and the complete ERADICATION of the half pee.

Those half pees were little b*ggers weren't they? And they BRED and you couldn't get rid of them.

I'm not quite old enough to remember decimalisation. I think I was about 2 when it happened, so if I had a use for money at the time it was probably just to stuff it up my nose.

Today is going to be a lazy day. I was about to up and head out to Ocean Terminal, but then Er Indoors awoke so instead I think I shall languish until she requires breakfast. After that I shall explore online to see how I can change some of this filthy lucre to Kiwi dollars.

That's a whole other currency to get used to, although Her Maj is still featured on the NZ dollar. She looks a bit cross-eyed on it, if you ask me. That, in itself, may be reason enough to emigrate.


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