not a lone wolf

This is the male of a Mexican wolf pair at our local zoo. There are hopes that the female is pregnant and will produce the first wolf pups at the zoo since the 1990s. They usually stay well hidden in the back of their natural enclosure, but today I was there during feeding time and caught a few glimpses.
As always I stopped by the mountain lions to watch them snooze in the sun. The ultimate cat nap! See extra photo. Today I learned that mountain lions are solitary animals and this display of three together is unusual. The reason these three get along is that they are litter mates and when their mother was illegally poached by a hunter, they were rescued and put in the zoo from infancy.
The last extra photo is of the bears sharing a secret. I learned that they are both males, about the same age, not related yet both rescued as cubs digging through someone's trash can.
I'm so glad to know our zoo takes in the little orphans!

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