Cousin time

A busy day. We woke up to the definite evidence that the girl has chicken pox. Not bad at the moment but definitely the pox. I had to go to work for a couple of hours this morning but she sat & coloured/played.

Our piano was being tuned late morning so we had to dash home quick from work as he arrived a bit early. Katie had been very excited to meet his guide dog but ended up being shy of it and going to play in her room. She came in towards the end of the tuning & sat watching. The tuner asked katie if she'd like to test it out before he put it back together. She absolutely loved being able to watch the hammers as she played. She's never met Ted before and had almost no hesitation in going to play in front of him. The tiny bit there was to start vanished as soon as her fingers touched her piano.

This afternoon we had arranged to visit my cousins who were over in Scarborough. Thankfully they were all happy for us to still come. Katie and tom had a great time with him giving her a bit of a lesson on the bass guitar. We had a walk on the beach. We had a delicious meal all together and we had a bit of time where my parents joined us in the evening. However, katie was flagging and beginning to feel a bit more rotten & wanted to go home to her bed

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