Sea Star LK 273

It's been a lovely sunny day, warm when in the lea, but a cold wind in the afternoon.  The wind has fallen away this evening, and clear skies.

I've had a day off today, and that worked out well with the weather :)  After breakfast, I picked up niece Elise and had her all day.  We went for a run in the boat this morning,  and then met mam in Lerwick at lunchtime.  Walkies in the afternoon, and also got a bit of gardening done too.  Been to a meeting this evening, and then ran mam home to Cunningsburgh.  A quiet night on the sofa now :)

We headed to Oxna this morning with the boat, a bit bumpy but a fine day when we got there.  On route, we passed various boats, but this peerie creel boat caught my eye.  It's Alec-John Henry from Burra, on Sea Star LK 273.  Hope he gets a good catch of lobsters :)  Taken at the north west of Papa, near Oxna. 

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