
By PrimeMart

Keys, Knobs and Levers

Well I think I am getting back in to the swing of it a bit now - work that is.

It is always quite refreshing after 6 weeks off, to re-discover the skill of teaching.

It is always a relief to find that I have not forgotten everything.

It was disconcerting to find today that in our new appraisal policy, we will have to jump through even smaller hoops which have been raised even higher off of the ground, at the same time as juggling more balls in the air, whilst a prat of a politician (Michael Gove) fires salvos of muck at us.

In other exciting news...

My commute home was enlivened by a gallic rant on the inadequacy of our traffic lights. Apparently we should also park on the left hand side of the road on Mondays, and the right hand side on Tuesdays. I am not sure what happens the rest of the week!

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