Little Angels

Hell's Angels!
They have done nothing but fight, wind each other up, act defiantly and be generally horrible.

Thank the Lord for 10 days break.

A spot of IR was the picture taking of choice today - starting with the clouds (which look quite dramatic when converted to black & white).
The moving trees don't look too bad and even the stationary ones aren't too bad.

These were all taken before getting to the monsters.

It didn't take long after arriving until my eyes rolled up looking for forgiveness for whatever I had done in an earlier life to deserve the living hell I was going through.
That was when I saw the light!
There was no forgiveness - but it did inspire me to take a couple of minimalist shots.

After lunch we took the monsters and PD for a walk round the (colourful) sun drenched ponds near where PD stays.
The monsters were so noisy and unobservant (missing the buzzard, scaring off the deer and completely unaware of the duck that took off about six feet from them and flying off in front of them) that trees were trying to throw themselves in the water. I contemplated throwing myself in front of a train -- but I missed it!

We dropped PD off at his house (I bet he was pleased) and headed to the land of flowers where we were able to chuck the monsters outside to play on the climbing frame (where they pretended to be best pals and The Cygnet taught Squirrel how to use the climbing wall) and have our drinks in peace.

Back at the house the nightmare started again!

Did I say I was pleased to be getting 10 days break?

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