Guinea Pig Zero

By gpzero

Max, His Mom, and Ida

I informed Max that his Mother was ill, but he already knew.

Maggie lives a few blocks away with good friends and she was at the vet's with a "neurological disorder" -- trouble standing & walking. At her son's ear is Ida C. Craddock, our city's martyr to Free Thought, who was a Spiritualist. Since her death she's been handling messages between cats who are separated by death or adoption. Thank goodness I'm atheist --talking to spirits would take up more time than Facebook & Blipfoto put together!

But my own murmurings with my Max have me wondering, how will I care for him and his two pals when they grow old and frail? As I write I'm now officially old --how I'll find such care myself is uncertain enough. I'm a cat slave for life, looking at descending times. Lately my spirits are high but who knows how cruel things will be in the coming years?

If the Republicans take the election, the terms of life will be dictated by pig-rich who laugh at human sorrow, and by Christians who invoke Jesus to curse the poor; who conjure Hate against Love itself. This will be no country for old cats.

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