Shy Messenger

This was a quiet day. I was intending to work but I decided to relax for the occasion. I did little more than my usual weekday putterings along the avenue. I cooked a lot of food for myself and shared it with my housemates. I did a bit of good reading.

Today I became a senior citizen. As it happens, this will mean nothing more than a small discount on an assortment of services until the inevitable foot-falls of Time stalk me farther down the road and find me feeble, then trample me to death.

I will grow old and ill with uncertain access to medical care. I'll have more memories to call upon when I weave stories, but I doubt they'll carry the weight of memories I have from my earlier life. Perhaps I'm wrong. Whether I'll be wiser or far more stupid is to be determined week by week.

This cat was sitting along the avenue in the afternoon. I think it was a girl, but I've never seen her before. Skinny, but healthy, she greeted me as I greeted her. I understood her shy weow to be a message from Nature, which was "Happy Birthday."

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