Guinea Pig Zero

By gpzero

Gravity's Trumpet

Months ago I blipped this hanging sculpture, but tonight I hung it downstairs and changed the placement of a few objects, and I added to it. Actually this is not the final form, but as you can see it was almost midnight, when empty cameras make blipless blipsters. I am glad for the clam shell catching the baseball.

Now it's raining, which means that I may not hear the freight train blow its horn. One passes about a mile from me every night in the wee hours, but there needs to be a general quiet if the sound is to reach me.

I'm realizing that I have a huge amount of cleaning to do before my brillaint friend Ceridwen arrives from the windy cliffs of Pembrokeshire, less than a week from now. When she gets here, Let The Blipfest Begin!

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