The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Jam Ingredients

New workout this morning, pretty heavy going on the old legs but I managed to do it all and be in work for 7.45am. Bob on! Kids were back today and it was bloody lovely to see forget just how nice they are over the holidays. I was out on duty, greeting 1500 cheery faces and they genuinely seemed glad to be back. We had a variety of assemblies to welcome them to the new academic year and there was much happiness and positivity around the place. Fabbo.

Had a really good day, lots of stuff done and lots of kids and staff seen. Ended up leaving around 5.40pm which is good for me, home to the hounds and a nice walk. The combines are working really hard on the fields so it is really busy around the cottage. I mooched in the garden with Pip after our walk and found a crop of blackberries growing steadily...they look like they will be ready later than we would have expected but I'm hopeful for a decent crop for jam making. I meant to tell you, when we walked along the railway track there were zillions of berries...Pip and I ate loads! So, weekend after next they should be ready in their masses so I'll take the dogs back and pick lots and lots. Saves plenty of money in the supermarket for my winter breakfasts!

Quite tired tonight so I'm off to plan my training session for the morning and have an early night. Promised myself my head would be on the pillow at 9.15pm. Better shift my butt!

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