I'm a bit smug this evening.
Intervals session before work - eight, twenty second sprints at 19km/h. Flying. Easy peasy pimple squeezy.
Staff training - who needs the blinkin company to train staff? Not me! It went like a dream, all day. Just perfect. Think it did my street cred a bit of good too!
Managed to leave school at 5.15pm despite us having SLT after school....home early, nice walk with the troops, tea eaten, tomorrow's bags packed and food prepped...and it is 7.52pm. I have at least an hour to fill with anything I like...this is heaven!
So, I'm gonna bugger off and do so reading for my next photography assignment...think I might join the girls in their big bed! Sleep tight!xx
- 3
- 0
- Nikon D7000
- 1/50
- f/3.2
- 105mm
- 400
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