The rest of forever...

By DrMac


I can't quite believe it was five hundred days ago that we started to prepare for your departure to Kathmandu. At times it has felt like the clock hands have been turning at a hundred miles an hour. At other times they have been frozen still, refusing to budge. I realise I have learnt a lot over the time...about myself, about us, about my values, qualities and limitations. My life is complete with you, but the physical distance between us doesn't prevent or hinder that. The distance has been both a new challenge and has given us new opportunities that I will always cherish.

Blip. Well, that was a chance find on the internet that has more than opened my eyes. It has contributed to my awareness, my mindfulness, enabled me to look at every day life in such different ways. My life is richer as a result, I'm more appreciative of my good fortune and how beautiful the things around me really are. Blip constantly reminds me that my life is never dull and is here to be explored to the full and appreciated abundantly. The friends I have found on blip have made me feel cared for when those clock hands got stuck.

The four of us really do miss you but we love telling you about our day on blip. Even if we rabbit on about dull stuff and probably bore you silly! I'm home alone tonight, the girls and Rags have gone away for the weekend as I am on a photography course. It's very quiet. I have made granola and done the hoovering. And now, I am going to pour myself a thimble-full off red wine and raise a glass to five hundred days.


PS. I have to get to a thousand...then I get a new coloured camera as my icon! ;0)

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