The Beacon, a Yacht, and Davaar House

13.5C with sunny sunshine all day long. A few wispy clouds. Light E/ESE/WNW/NW breeze.

Maeve the Deerhound wasn't well at all before we took her out for the last short walk of the evening. It was well after midnight before we did get out for a walk and could settle her for sleeping. She and I were up and out and walking by 6.30 am. Her back right leg was giving her problems all morning.

Apothecary7's day off.

Before lunch we all went for a walk across the road and round to the park and the harbour and back along through town. Then we called in at the Vets to pay for Maeve's blood tests (which came back normal). Luckily the Vet who saw her recently was there and we had a chance to chat and update him on last night. We decided on no action for the moment. Observations continue. Heads are full of thoughts.

Once Maeve was back home and settled Apothecary7 and I went for another walk. We went out to the shipyard then out to first gate at Baraskomel farm. It was lovely out on the path. The air was fresh and clear and the light breeze was lovely. It was good to get away from it all for an hour or so.

DMC-LX7 f/3.5 1/1600 sec. ISO-80 18mm (35mm focal length 216mm)

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