Brightening Up

Wow do I feel better today, thanks for all the good wishes.

Its been intermittent horrid and glorious today - I basked in sun, got soaked and was pelted with hailstones all in the space of an hour but the lure of outside was too great after being couped up yesterday. I spent 4 hours in the garden starting to rebuild things after the damage done inthe floods of 2015, I only managed to bring order (and hopefully some future resilience) to a tiny area, but bit by bit I'm starting to see some progress. It felt very therapeutic.

I also had a couple of lovely messages from clients today - S who attended the Night Nav sessions passed his Mountain Leader and FWG of this parish put some ghosts to rest in Wales.

Walking pooch by the nature park today the frogs were everywhere - i think sadly a fair few of them will be squished as they cross the roads. This chap got a little assistance on his way - seemed a fair trade for a blip.

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