Belah Bridge

Woke to a dusting of snow today, we're at 230m asl but still a surprise, sadly it didnt settle and looking at the hills there was no real discernible pattern to it, the Howgills were virtually clear of snow, Ingleborough was mostly white and Ive heard Helvellyn was solid down to Red Tarn.

I was up early to finish my next article for Friends of the Lake District's magazine and had expected to be busy with some other fun stuff - but I also knew that it was time to be back out on the campaign trail today. So wrapped up against the frequent snow showers I headed out mid-morning - 250 leaflets delivered (thats all the main villages done now) then 50 people canvassed (spoken to). Im very very slowly building a team - but the appalling performance of the last LibDem to stand here means that there's no base - and I'm quickly realising that up against someone who has a congregation on his side I need more feet on the beat. Today was nearly 25000 steps and wasn't enough.
But on the plus side (Im mostly a plus side kinda guy) I'm getting to really know the little part of the world I call home - and I'm making sure I take the time to pause and admire it.
Rushing along the A685 towards the A66 I must have passed this bridge, situated on the old road, hundreds of times. So today, as is my wont, I stopped and took a moment to appreciate it.

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