Possibly Daedaleopsis confragosa

With only a few notable exceptions in each genus fungi are notoriously difficult to give definite identifications to in the field, many need special tests to be certain.
Polypore are amongst some of the most difficult of the 17,000 varieties found in the UK. However, much like these fine fellows I do like to go out on a metaphorical limb from time to time, so I'm going to tentatively identify these as Blushing Brackets.
They were growing in multiple tiers on a nearly dead moss covered willow, teetering on the river bank. Thanks to little cameras zoom I can also make out a discernible blush of purple which gives them their common name.

Yesterday's plaster work sanded down to respectable and then the last awkward kitchen wall painted.
These guys were spotted during a lovely walk with pooch along Borrow Beck under some much welcome blue sky.
Gave me time to ponder how to address some awkward and unpleasant behaviour from a peripheral but persistent p.i.t.a.

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