Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


Luke arrived home just after 10pm last night - he had packed the car in the morning and so could leave straight after his afternoon hockey match, never stopping once along the 5 hour journey. His dad is the same, prefers to just get there rather than stopping for breaks along the way! It was lovely to see him again, and he seems pleased to be home again.

Gavin and I enjoyed a walk around the neighbourhood this morning with Murdoch - every garden is bursting with blossoms, spring flowers, and there are daffodils growing everywhere. I liked these blossoms which were in front of another tree with yellow flowers, so the background is quite pretty.

After lunch Thomas went to school as the teachers had made themselves available if anyone wanted to go over work before the IGCSE French oral on Tuesday. Thomas is quite nervous for it as he says there is an enormous amount of vocabulary to learn for it. He has already done his IGCSE Music Performance for these exams, so it is good to get a few out the way before the rest of them start in the first week of May, and go on and on until the middle of June.

Tomorrow there is a very special birthday in our household!

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