The Old Man and the Sea

There were 5 people in our immediate area. A biker, a walker, a surfer, this fisherman, and me.

I wanted to get the surfer, the 30 minutes I was there, he never could stand up on the board. Not once. Must have been a beginner.

The old fisherman from Ontario was trying to catch Spanish Mackerel. He didn't, but we did have a nice discussion...about his idea of the secret to life.

Him: "How old are you son?"

Me: "I'm 64. How old are you?"

Him: "I'm 74. Tell you have a passion in life?"

Me: "I like to take pictures."

Him: "That's great. Look around us. We all need a reason...a get us off the couch...and to get outside. Me? I love to fish. That's what keeps me going."

Pretty good thinking, even if it was cold and windy here today. It struggled to hit 60F, so it kept the birdies (and the people) under cover.  My smallest Flickr set of the vacation (4 shots) can be seen here.

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