
Sunlight on the garden so a bit of sawing up some old boards to fix that bottom vegetable patch. A visit from the daughter on her bike - she’s throwing herself into an exercise regime. She says a wedding dress is only a couple of months away.  
Then up town to meet G for a chinwag in Hemma. I was hoping to see some minor celebs (or MSPs as they’re known here) but there was only Kenny Gibson (MSP, indeed) playing on his phone. It was quite quiet - the grievance factory must be hard at work (ooo, bit political there). And finally, the last episode of GoT Season Three! Nicely set up for Season 4…. It must have been murder (murdirr!) watching it at the time and having to wait for the next season. No such problems chez Pensioner: Season 4 is already purchased and ready for the first quiet moment.  

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