More reflections
No more gardening talk, though I did fashion a neat little edge to the top veggie plot. (So happy! *shhhh!!*) Another gorgeous day - though a bit chilly. So after all that I scooted about on the bike and ended up at Earthy for coffee and cake. That's what I do, these happy days.
But then sadly I'd to go out again. I'd to go and watch Hearts. The crowd boiled with rage and indignation. Calm down people. It's a long game that we're playing, fools. So long that it'll see me oot. Luckily that wasn't tonight, though I did get oot eventually and what chats we had up the Diggeries. And a whole crowd of quietly jubilant Ross County supporters came into the bar and were well received. Like old days. That sporting ethos is still there. It's just a game.
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