Stuff & Things

By itshawis

Mud Pies

The very early start was the reason for the airport hotel and it was worth it, onto the busy flight to Skyros with the fastest drinks service ever and in a matter of minutes we are on the island.

Amanda picks me up in the van and there is a change of plan so off to the farm we head.

After a nice snooze it's time for a guided tour. There are 42 horses on the farm, 39 of whom are Skyrian; 17 cats, nearly all rescue; 3 dogs, 2 rescue and; a hell of a lot of chooks.

There are fruit trees with lemons, apples, apricots and I've just missed the peaches. The figs are being dried in the sun and the walnuts and olives are still getting ready for the picking.

So, I've become a temporary volunteer and have been instructed on mucking out, know the sources for all the water taps and if I want to could make these mud pies from the horse manure that's just been cleared.

At the moment I am less keen on that but they are a great example of the reclaim, recycle, reuse approach on the farm. May they bring lots of warmth as they burn in the winter months.

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