Stuff & Things

By itshawis


It's been a while since I've slept in a tent, there were a lot of noises to get used to.

At 7.30 I was up ready for the first round of mucking and feeding. If all the chores were done by 10am we would have time to visit the beach and swim in the sea.

Morning mucking out is the worst part of the day, there's is loads of it. Still the breeze is cool and it's all done.

We hit the beach and the sea is fabulous. Big waves to jump over, cool enough to brace yourself but joyful once you're in.

Back to the farm for the lunchtime feed and siestas under the walnut tree again. I am loving my book but snoozing takes over.

After mucking, feeding, tree watering and fig turning it's shower time and we head to the village for a drink.

The centre of the village is up a big steep hill and was built hidden from the view of pirates. It's really pretty and like being on a film set. We sit on the rooftop terrace and watch the moon appear over the hill.


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