
Along the beach from our hotel at Isla Aguida is a jetty with a thatched roof - as in palm leaf thatch. It is quite picturesque. The other day when I was there the roof was being mended and there were a lot of people about. This morning I wandered along before breakfast to get a quiet opportunity with tripod and filters. The sea was quite choppy and​ the sky flat and grey but I did the best I could. If I were a real photographer I'd be there for the next few weeks waiting for just the right moment but real life isn't quite like that... hire car to return and flights booked!!! So with the help of a few filters in Snapseed, the atmosphere is maintained, although I can't imagine who thought those lamps were a good idea!

We were later away from the hotel than intended away, mostly waiting for some laundry to be returned, promised for 11 at the latest and then at 12 definitely only 15 mins max! Well, in Mexico, time seems to have elastic properties! Eventually the laundry arrived and we set off back to Campeche; laundry is questionable though, as whites are way off being white so will need washing again before wearing!

We had a wander around the town before a meal. Tomorrow we fly back to Mexico City for a last look at a few places and then home the following day.

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