Road Closed

9.0C wet start then dull with some rain around lunchtime. Then very dull. More rain forecast. E/ESE/SE wind to 23 mph with gusts to 30 mph.

Maeve the Deerhound was up at 5am. We went for our walk. Then back to bed!

Maeve and I went for a walk about 2pm after the rain stopped. We went round to the harbour, had a wander round the old quay, then went along to the ferry terminal. I was taking some pictures of BBC Bahrain from down at water level when a convoy of two low loaders with wind turbine tower sections came along with police cars ahead and behind to close the road and escort vans in between. I thought I might as well grab a shot.

The first low loader turned left and drove onto the quay, and the second turned right across the 4 lanes of the road before backing onto the quay. The lead police car is out of sight to the right keeping the road closed. You can see how low the central reservation is so the low loaders can turn over it if they have to on the way out from the quay and just under the low loader you might be able to make out the very low roundabout which is no more than a disk of thick paint again so the low loaders don't have to avoid it.

Once the lorries were on the quay Maeve and I went along to the end of the park then turned and came back along the street side then came home through town past the town hall and the bookshop (closed).

Podcasts of BBC Radio 4's Desert Island Discs on the Clip (as I walked):
Nigel Owens. Rugby Union International Referee.
Tom Hanks. Actor.
Warwick Davis. Actor.

Afternoon music ... Easy 80's playlist on Spotify.

E-PL5 f/7.1 1/320 sec. ISO-200 14mm

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