Heartfelt Thanks

A blipless day, so a quick snap of these photo cards of Sa Penya, to send to people who support us here in the work. One of those hearts is José & Soli's house! ;-)

Asha's slowly mending...her temp spiked again last night. She's been wiped out by whatever it is she's fighting!

Had our first official antenatal class with the homebirth midwives - it was SO good!! Amazing learning about what your muscles are actually doing when you're contracting! I think really understanding how the body works will help deal with pain...and understand it as progressive...and hopefully eliminate fear. 
The baby is currently spine to spine, so I've got a few exercises to do to encourage him round!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A loving godmother (amandoAlentejo) who text this morning to check I was OK as I'd not blipped last night! Ha! Thanks Daveen! 
2) Understanding re the body & birth.
3) A clean flat!

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