Balancing Act

I went back to the Wakodahatchee Wetlands again early this morning and had a delightful time watching yesterday's Great Blue Heron's working on their nest.  They were still in the same tree, but Mrs. BH must have been unhappy with the first nest because it was neglected and Mr. BH was bringing supplies for a second one.  The dance that occurs when he shows up with twigs is really amazing.  I got lots of shots of this, but they were similar to yesterday's shot, so today I chose this shot of the Woodstorks for my blip. The Woodstorks nest in colonies in the same tree so they were also very busy mating quite noisily and building nests under crowded conditions.  I saw also saw an osprey having breakfast, many purple Gallunules, Anhingas, and cormorants.   It really is bird paradise. 

I have loaded an extra of a Cattle Egret - quite a small bird by comparison but really very beautiful. 

I came across a photographer who had an amazing wagon to carry his gear.  It was triangular in shape so he could put his standing tripod on it.  It had three sturdy wheels, one of which allowed steering, and a handle. There also seemed to be a storage drawer.  I admired it and asked him where he got it, and he gave me the answer that I didn't want to hear....He made it.  I have also included a couple of shots of this cart.  The tripod wasn't on it when I took them, but you will get the idea. 

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