Tiny nectaries

This is my first Tiny Tuesday entry and I've no,idea who is hosting it at the moment, but thank you, whoever you are :-)

A close up of the centre, which I believe are called nectaries, of my newly acquired white hellebore, planted up with some lovely yellow and purple primulas, to make a ni e winter planter :-)

A nice bright if chilly day.
We slept ok although interrupted.

Hub had an appointment with his cardiologist today......another appointment to come for another angiogram, just to check everything is ok, since he wasn't feeling too well last September and November, typically by the time his appointment has come though, he's feeling fine at the moment :-)

Back home for lunch after a quick call in M&S for a few things.
A lazy afternoon.......but a few jobs and phone calls done.
Still light at five this evening, hurrah!!!

Roll on Spring!

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