New Adventures

Today was effectively my last day as ABC Development Officer - lots of increasingly panicky emails and calls from those coming next as they (finally) started to realise how complex the role is, I wish them well, but I've reached a point (psychologically) where I'm glad to be moving on.

A last minute request from Sport England means I'll be continuing to manage the participation database project for them for a while longer as it's simply too complex to hand over without seeing it simply fail, but I've got a fairly free hand with that and I want to see it succeed.

So now I can refocus on my guiding and instructing work which slowly got squeezed to the side by the consultancy work, I'm quite excited. First is a little bit of winter work and play over in the Alps, then I'll need to engage the brain and pass my First Aid Instructor course - hopefully that will compliment my existing offering really well.
Then of course I've got to start campaigning...

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