Telford D2

Thank you for all the lovely, kind and thought provoking comments yesterday, I will respond, albeit slowly.

Day 2 was eye opening and super informative, even if in a different way. Each of us candidates researched and presented a module of the course we'll deliver. As ever it was holistically beneficial to see 10 other training styles, and I think a large part of the process was designed to make us realise the depth of the subject matter. Our alloted 20 minute sections could easily have been an hour, and yet the entire course should be delivered in a day.
I was also fascinated by the psychologies on display and people's differing thresholds and balances, the way in which they approached the concept of, and need for, safeguarding. Fortunately (for my sanity and soul) 6 of the candidates would be people I'd employ or work with, 2 I just didn't gel with but 2 I had a really strong aversion to. Considering we all chose to do this course, we all work in similar fields, it was a thought provoking realisation.

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