Old Age

I've no idea really, but this fellow does look like there's a hint of age to his fur, I know how he feels ;)

A day of errands, wrote my first campaign leaflet - put together the session plans for another Night Navigation workshop and then headed out to Threlkeld and Blencathra.

All day it was torrential, I fully expected to be in goretex all night, but somewhere on the A66 the rain faded out and eventually stopped.
All 12 participants turned up (a first) and we had a thoroughly good but somewhat muddy four hours out on the fell side working on pacing, timing and group management at night.

Top Tips Tuesday
Take it back to basics....
The map is not always right - its man-made and man-made things don't always last, and people make mistakes - some on the map are even there on purpose. The land however (in our fleeting timescales) is always right. Those man-made walls fall down and paths move - but the contours remain. Last night we had 4 versions of the map with numerous different paths and fences - but the levelling at 350m, the Ghyll and stream - they were exactly where they should be.
To remember this it helps to know how a map is printed - first comes N,S,E,W. Then come the contours and shading, next is the water and it's ways. Later yet come the buildings, the walls and paths on the ground. Last come the paths and boundaries of law, the silly names of man.
So next time you're not sure - go down a level - path not where it should be? Then look for that hard to move drystone wall, find the little gorge - read the shape of the land in the contours - the deeper you go, the closer to the truth you'll get.

Or you could just be lost....

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