Semi Permanent Puddle

Sunshine of any sort, especially the early morning kind, beckoned my camera and me out early.
Despite the sun, it felt quite autumnal, a fact that seems hard to bear having apparently missed out on a season.

Last night on my way across the Meadows to my book group( discussing the 'State of Wonder', by Ann Patchett), I passed the dismantling of the Lady Boys of Bangkok tented site, and thought that I might blip the organised chaos and devastation of the ground, for the posting today.

Just as I was pressing the lens through a gap in the chain link fencing, I was asked by a security guard if he could help me. Apparently I should have asked permission to blip the mud and rolled up tents.

As it happens my illegal photos weren't worth the pixels on my SD card, but we had a pleasant enough chat about the work the Parks' people will have to do to restore the ground after the mess caused by the Food Festival in July and the Lady Boys festival now.

Instead I checked on this big puddle on a path in George Square gardens. I have been monitoring its progress since June, and I think it's probably here to stay unless some sort of human action is taken.

This little park in George Square was once the playground of the pupils of George Watson's Ladies College. Their school now houses the psychology department of the university and the girls have gone to join the boys in their school in Colinton Road.
If the pupils were anything like I remember them, they will have been delighted, and no doubt, the boys too.

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