Birthday Girl

It seems like August is a favourite month for birthdays, not only in the family but with blippers too. Perhaps the long dark nights of November and December have a lot to answer for.

Today it is Glasgow daughter's big day, but with the opening night of an exhibition she is organising in Glasgow just 10 days away, her stress levels are such that there is to be no celebration, just more work.

What a pity that one has to be very young or very old before being able to properly relax and enjoy the day.
I do hope her husband has baked her a cake at least.

My Monday is shaping up to be a day of socialising which will atone a bit for the fact that it is dull, grey and wet.

It's not a Bank Holiday Monday here in Scotland, but I'm sorry for our English and oversees visitors trailing about in plastic raincoats and congregating in coffee shops for some respite from the weather.

I made this sampler for Lucy in the days when I had the eyesight to count threads, and basically see what I was doing!

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