sun net

the sunlight through the building dirt on the windows finally got to me tonight and I got cleaning - now we have (some) shiny windows, which always makes me feel terribly virtuous.

As I was cleaning, I knew that the "run and get the camera" moment would arrive and so it did. This is the sunset through the mosquito net.

Yet again an over-filled day with a combination of frustration and nice things. Frustration about more work being made for me through others' incompetence and with hearing a sob story about how hard someone works - so do I. Is it a competition? (Before the wrong person thinks I'm talking about HER, I have to add that the sob story came from a male person!!)
And nice things - like finding some time to clean windows and make my home nice, finding time to cook properly rather than throwing things together, finding time to laugh. And Littlest cleaning her room as she'd promised she would. Without any nagging.
And now it's back to the grindstone/hamster wheel for a few hours before crashing out again.....

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