good morning Sunday!

Since our big ones have got really big they don't really like joining in with the family Sunday that we always used to have. Basically, they'd rather stay asleep. What they don't seem to appreciate is that I would've liked to've stayed asleep on Sunday mornings all those years that I got up for them because they wanted to play and have stories read but...well, that's all in the past and what counts is now. Littlest has a bit of a raw deal in many ways as she lives with people who would rather be asleep or reading their own book on Sunday mornings. However, we've got into a nice little routine that means that she gets a bit of that family Sunday feeling and everyone else can stay asleep.
So, she comes upstairs to our bed for a cuddle, then we finish off making the bread for breakfast and go and feed the animals, then she goes back up to our bed to listen to stories from Papi.

(in many ways, she also gets a very good deal as she tags along for older-person activities - this kind of thing can lead to long discussions....)

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