put your money where your mouth is

or, maybe, put your mouth where your principles are.

That's my aim anyway. I've been getting more and more cross that a) my garden is a disaster due to building taking up precious time that could be used growing things and b) not having enough time to shop anywhere but in the supermarket.
Building is, basically, over with only the cleaning and tidying being slowly worked through a bit each day. And I have shoveled time around in such a way that I now have enough time to shop from local producers rather than from the supermarket. I now just have to find enough energy to do some of it by bike too, then I will be happy.
Today I was very pleased to see my plan through (albeit, by car) so we have milk products from three local producers and vegetables grown in the village - due to lack of organisation and bad planning and a child with a banana addiction, I still had to go to the supermarket but bought very little once there. Some of that stuff will, in future, be bought from a cooperative that I drive past on Fridays. It all took me only half an hour longer than usual (add another about half an hour if I do it by bike) and cost me less money and had far, far, far less packaging. I was particularly pleased to bring the vegetables home in my basket (13 years old and handmade for me by a friend) rather than wrapped in plastic. Ideally, of course, I would just pickt htem out of the garden when I need them, but it's a step in the right direction.

This blipped stuff is out of my garden, which has stuff in if you know where to part the weeds - and is currently bubbling away with some rabbit :-)

Yesterday I thought I was running to stand still, today I've moved a millimetre.

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