Flax flower with seed pods

Had to go to the city again today. S had a meeting with her class group from the Master's course last year. This is to support them in continuing their writing and assisting in getting published. It was a middle of the day meeting which with travel times meant that most of the day was spent in the car or at the meeting (I did some admin stuff during that time).

After getting back to the beach house, I went for a run down to Southend of Snells Beach, around the point to Our Beach, and then around the rocks to Algies Bay before heading up the steps to Highfield Garden Reserve. On the way back from there I went past a lot of large flax plants, and one of them had a few flowers still. 

As I went to leave, a tui flew into the flax bush, and then seeing me moving, flew off again. A missed opportunity, perhaps.

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