
By Hillyblips

In the Pink

Looking back on today I can't believe I found a window of sunshine very briefly this morning when we have been all the rest of the day looking out of windows one way or another with torrential rain, thunder and lightening!

This rose, I don't know it's name, was given to me in a pot as a Mother's Day present years ago. It was tiny, didn't look like it would live and really was for indoors. Consequently thinking it had had it's day after it had finished blooming it was planted outside in a temporary position to at least give it a chance believing it really wouldn't live that long. It is now a rampant bush eight feet high that has to be pruned (for that read sheared and chopped) and it is totally smothered in flowers. The more it is dead-headed the more it blooms and is totally stunning - looking like a huge pink ball. The down side is that it is in a totally unsuitable place but it thrives there - unlike my David Austin roses which just survive!

The hoverfly was an accident!

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