Low Tide

Glorious day in Auckland today. Adam started the day with a 4 hour marathon Monopoly session with Dad. He's addicted. I can see a Christmas of Suduko and monopoly ...

Anyway, we pried him away long enough to head across the road to the playground and the beach. We spent a lot of time terrorising crabs and shellfish ...

Then packing bags so we can take them down to the boat in preparation for tomorrows big trip to Great Barrier Island where we'll be for the next 2 weeks. There are 20 people heading over in a variety of transport modes. One plane, 1 big boat and 1 small boat. I am in the small boat and we?re launching at 6am.

Here's hoping the sea wilt be smooth, it's around 3 hours across open sea. It's looking good so it should be a great trip, although it is the boats first voyage after being sunk and rebuilt, so here's also hoping it goes well!

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