Reblipped - To Blip and so to Bed!

I messed up yesterday by taking this photograph at about 23:30. Problem was my camera clock was still on BST time and so Blipfoto put it onto the 23rd December instead of 22nd!
Hence reason I have copied text and comments below!

To Blip and so to Bed!
Busy day, apart from doctors for myself and F.M.i.L (separate appointments!). Mine was just a regular health check with the nurse, follow up with doctor early next year.
Marlane has been rolling, cutting, mixing, filling, baking, just non stop leading up to the Christmas festivities.
On the table there's stock for meatball soup (large silver pot) and the meatballs themselves all defrosting ready for Friday night. Another load in the freezer for Saturday night, and more for Sunday lunchtime starter.
Apart from the stuff mentioned yesterday, profiteroles, mince pies, chocolate sauce, etc. she's made more mince pies, sausage rolls, Quiche bases, chopped crudites for home made dip. On the table defrosting there are pigs in blankets and the vegetables for the meatball soup. The big pressure cooker pot at the front has a large ham soaking to get the curing salt out of it, when it's cooked it will be sliced for everyone coming in the evening and the stock made into soup for when we start dieting again! 
I have never met anyone so good at organising events and planning to make sure there is enough food for everyone.

Night Night everyone, Night Night   ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz (Chimes of Big Ben just sounded Midnight on BBC Radio 4)

Comments (5)

Ohhhh my goodness!  I hope the dogs leave it all alone...

Wow! Hats off to Marlene, incredible organisation xxx

This is the lady that organised the very first ever fashion show in Riyadh, KSA!! She recruited princesses and used ladies from the British Embassy Ladies Group and got Jaeger to supply rails and rails of clothes. Raised 10's of thousands of pounds for Saudi and British childrens charities. 
She certainly is an incredible woman.
Overheard at one 'do' was "Marlane Rose is the best thing to hit Riyadh since sliced bread", quite an accolade :-)
We left KSA at the end of 1989.

Wow, can we come to you for Christmas dinner please? It all sounds amazing, what a woman!

It's open house on the evening of 23rd and 24th and Christmas dinner is around 13:00'ish and you'd be very welcome, if you can make it through the Christmas traffic.  :-)
The meatball soup is a recipe that has come down through Marlane's side of the family which is Dutch. Her father passed it on to her and J

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