Funny what people presume.

I dropped off F.M.i.L's car at the garage this morning to get the CV Joint on one of the front wheels replaced, something I would have done myself years ago but now I get my pension I've got so much money I don't know what to do with it (sic)!!
Anyway, as I left to walk Jonty back home, a distance of almost 2km according to my iPhone Health App, a young man on a small motorcycle with 'L'earner plates shouted at me. What he saw what an old doddery bloke, way past it, nothing exciting in his past and walking a little pouffy dog.
This is what I've posted on the facebook page for 'Gloucestershire Bikers' this morning. I thought it was quite a funny situation by the way, hope he grows up to be a good rider.

"To the 'L' rider at 08:35 on Eastern Avenue, near the Coney Hill Road junction, who shouted 'GET A MOTORBIKE' to me as I was walking my little dog home from 123 Car & Commercial garage.

Excellent advice young fella and I totally agree with you. In fact I agree so much that I did this many years ago, 1974 to be exact.

Thanks for the advice, Ride Safe and here's some advice for you.

Join a group, RBL Riders, Armed Forces Bikers, go to the evening meets or similar and you'll get a lot more out of your bike.

Photo of me on 1 October Ride To The Wall and another to jog your memory as to who you shouted at. And thanks for making me smile"

I hope that he sees the message and learns just because you are old you've never done anything exciting in your life, and it's not only young blokes that ride motorbikes.

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