Blackford Hill again

Left the flat this afternoon in brilliant sunshine. Walked to the top of Blackford Hill where it was very, very windy. Then it started to rain. Boohoo. Walked down the hill and the rain turned into big fat hail stones. The hailstones made my fur white and hurt Ann's face. By the time we got home we were both soaked through to our skin. Ann had to take all her clothes off far too much information and I had to be thoroughly dried.

…............And that's been today's excitement?!

PS – For the first time since we arrived in Edinburgh, I haven't gobbled up all of my dinner as if I'd never been fed. I've left half of it. May be I'm finally getting used to living here. Or may be it's because Ann has told me that we're heading south on our Christmas hols tomorrow? Who knows?

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