Naughty collie?!

First thing this morning I went for my walk in 'Braidburn Valley Park'. Ann said, 'Molly, I need you to have a good run about because I have lots of things to do today and by the time I've finished doing everything I have to do it will be dark. So your afternoon walk is going to be a trek around the streets on your lead.'

As soon as I got to the park, I got let off my lead but do you know what I did instead of having a good run?.................. I had a good old splish, splosh, splash in the burn. And then I was a bit naughty. I got out of the burn on the opposite side to where we were walking and just mooched about sniffing everything.

Ann was shouting and shouting at me to come back. ….............But I just ignored her. Sometimes I have 'selective hearing'. There were loads of nice smells on the other side of the burn so why on earth would I want to walk along the path with Ann?

Ann was NOT happy with me. She yelled across to me that I was never, ever, going to be let off my lead again but I knew she didn't mean it. She just felt stupid because she was walking a long the path with a dog lead and people thought she was a batty old woman who didn't have a dog?!

When we got to the bridge at the end of the park, (where Ann caught up with me), she said, 'Molly, we are going to walk back the way you've just come so now that you've done all your sniffing I need you just to trot along next to me in good dog mode.'

…............As if??? I walked properly for a couple of minutes, then I jumped into the burn, did a load more splish, splash, sploshing and got out at the opposite side to Ann and did loads more sniffing and mooching around. Well she should have put me back on my lead when she had the chance?!

I had a really lovely time but unfortunately Ann is still really angry with me........................

…................I don't like it when Ann is angry with me?! So now I'm lying in my bed in 'good dog' mode?! How long do you think it will take before I am back in her good books again??!!

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