Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Bar Popeye

If it's Sunday it must be the hippy market in Ipanema. It was sunny and blue-ish skies for the first time since arriving this morning and so after a sandwich lunch in the flat we headed to Ipanema and split up for 90 mins with the plan to buy each other a few bits and bobs to open on Christmas day. After 45 mins the thunder rolled, the lightening flashed and the skies opened. Horror of horrors - I'd got distracted and only bought a dress for myself! It really was bucketing down and so we both took shelter in places nearby, separately. The storm only lasted an hour or so and then we had another 30 minute window. We're still in Ipanema, found a place with wifi and are now thinking about food. Please can we have a little summer weather tomorrow Brazil?

Rio has some amazing graffiti and this caught my eye today.

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