Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze


Coxinha is shredded chicken, wrapped in dough and deep fried in batter and about the size of a Scotch egg. This cart reminded me that we haven't had one this trip yet. One's enough at any one time! They're incredibly popular here, but we both prefer 'pasteis', which are little stuffed puff pastries and stuffed with different things like prawns and cream cheese, cheese and onion, minced meat.

A productive day today. Bb had a business lunch meeting and so I had lunch in Biscui, the 'por kilo' place up the road. 'Por kilo' places are very popular here and are buffets in which you pay for what you have by weight. So you take your plate, help yourself from the buffet, get your plate weighed at the end and are given a slip of paper showing the weight (minus the plate) and handed your cutlery. When you've finished, your plate and, most importantly, the cutlery is cleared away so you can't go back and repeat without getting your slip of paper updated. There are some excellent 'por kilo' places and that's reflected in the price per kilo, but overall they represent very good value and discourage plates piled high with food that's perhaps going to be wasted.

We both met back at the flat in the afternoon and Bb worked on our Christmas letter and I worked through a long list of loose end things still to be done. It involved many forgotten passwords by both of us.... Very satisfying to tick things off! One of them was testing the video of whatsapp for Christmas Day connections. Tick!

Dinner was in a very local place round the corner and then we watched the interview programme of The Apprentice. If you know who won, no spoilers please!!

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